Seasons Greetings

dooley's picture

So we're into the new season of The CloudSpires Chronicles.

What does that mean?

In our season finale, Vane and Ivor made a move on the church as Vane ousted Sid Meir as head of the Oghmite sect. He retreated away by Daed's assistance and has since started The New Church of Oghma, in what soon thereafter became the East CloudSpires.

Dodsland has fallen into civil unrest, and the Karysh Canyon (leading into the Caverns of Karysh. Faramore Barl has found himself funded and is pulling people from every direction he can.

Mactillian gave Lucretia what she needed and she's not been heard of since. Meanwhile, Mactillian and the family of Llewellyns did set to work fashioning his school from the property Lucretia had signed over to him.

A new Oghmite leader came to town, and is so far, turning heads for the good. Eddard Reville, a tiefling coming from a line of religious peoples, has come to the Royals Peak, and taken Father Meirs position.


Acereraks influence grows, and with it, demon spawning.

It sucks.

Meanwhile, civil war at the border of the new East CloudSpires.

Picking up

We are heading into a council meeting, 6 months after our last season.

There are no injections this season.